Selected Publications | Gabriele Sarti

Selected Publications

Multi-property Steering of Large Language Models with Dynamic Activation Composition

We propose Dynamic Activation Composition, an adaptive approach for multi-property activation steering of LLMs

Model Internals-based Answer Attribution for Trustworthy Retrieval-Augmented Generation

MIRAGE uses model internals for faithful answer attribution in retrieval-augmented generation applications.

IT5: Text-to-text Pretraining for Italian Language Understanding and Generation

IT5s are the first encoder-decoder transformers pretrained on more than 40 billion Italian words.

A Primer on the Inner Workings of Transformer-based Language Models

This primer provides a concise technical introduction to the current techniques used to interpret the inner workings of …

DecoderLens: Layerwise Interpretation of Encoder-Decoder Transformers

We propose DecoderLens, a method to interpret the iterative refinement of representations in encoder-decoder Transformer models.

Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation

We introduce PECoRe, an interpretability framework for identifying context dependence in language model generations.

RAMP: Retrieval and Attribute-Marking Enhanced Prompting for Attribute-Controlled Translation

We introduce Retrieval and Attribute-Marking enhanced Prompting (RAMP) to perform attribute-controlled MT with multilingual LLMs.

Are Character-level Translations Worth the Wait? Comparing ByT5 and mT5 for Machine Translation

We analyze input contributions of char-level MT models and show how they modulate word and character-level information.

Probing Linguistic Knowledge in Italian Neural Language Models across Language Varieties

We investigate whether and how using different architectures of probing models affects the performance of Italian transformers in …

DivEMT: Neural Machine Translation Post-Editing Effort Across Typologically Diverse Languages

DivEMT is a publicly available post-editing study of Neural Machine Translation over a typologically diverse set of target languages.

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training for the Italian Language

We present the first CLIP model for the Italian Language (CLIP-Italian), trained on more than 1.4 million image-text pairs.

That Looks Hard: Characterizing Linguistic Complexity in Humans and Language Models

This paper investigates the relationship between two complementary perspectives in the human assessment of sentence complexity and how …

Teaching NLP with Bracelets and Restaurant Menus: An Interactive Workshop for Italian Students

We developed an interactive workshop designed to illustrate the NLP and computational linguistics to Italian high schoolers.

UmBERTo-MTSA@ AcCompl-It: Improving Complexity and Acceptability Prediction with Multi-task Learning on Self-Supervised Annotations

This work describes a self-supervised data augmentation approach used to improve learning models’ performances when only a …

Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment

This thesis presents a model-driven study of multiple phenomena associated with linguistic complexity, and how those get encoded by …

ETC-NLG: End-to-end Topic-Conditioned Natural Language Generation

We present ETC-NLG, an approach leveraging topic modeling annotations to enable fully-unsupervised End-to-end Topic-Conditioned Natural …