Msc-Theses | Gabriele Sarti


1 Linguistic Complexity | Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment Introduction 1 Linguistic Complexity 1.1 Categorizing Linguistic Complexity Measures 1.2 Intrinsic Perspective 1.2.1 Structural Linguistic Complexity 1.2.2 Language Modeling Surprisal 1.3 Extrinsic Perspective 1.3.1 Automatic Readability Assessment 1.3.2 Perceived Complexity Prediction 1.3.3 Gaze Metrics Prediction 1.4 Garden-path Sentences 2 Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.1 Desiderata for Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.2 Neural Language Models: Unsupervised Multitask Learners 2.

2 Models of Linguistic Complexity | Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment Introduction 1 Linguistic Complexity 1.1 Categorizing Linguistic Complexity Measures 1.2 Intrinsic Perspective 1.2.1 Structural Linguistic Complexity 1.2.2 Language Modeling Surprisal 1.3 Extrinsic Perspective 1.3.1 Automatic Readability Assessment 1.3.2 Perceived Complexity Prediction 1.3.3 Gaze Metrics Prediction 1.4 Garden-path Sentences 2 Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.1 Desiderata for Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.2 Neural Language Models: Unsupervised Multitask Learners 2.

Conclusion | Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment Introduction 1 Linguistic Complexity 1.1 Categorizing Linguistic Complexity Measures 1.2 Intrinsic Perspective 1.2.1 Structural Linguistic Complexity 1.2.2 Language Modeling Surprisal 1.3 Extrinsic Perspective 1.3.1 Automatic Readability Assessment 1.3.2 Perceived Complexity Prediction 1.3.3 Gaze Metrics Prediction 1.4 Garden-path Sentences 2 Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.1 Desiderata for Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.2 Neural Language Models: Unsupervised Multitask Learners 2.2.1 Emergent Linguistic Structures in Neural Language Models 2.

Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment Introduction 1 Linguistic Complexity 1.1 Categorizing Linguistic Complexity Measures 1.2 Intrinsic Perspective 1.2.1 Structural Linguistic Complexity 1.2.2 Language Modeling Surprisal 1.3 Extrinsic Perspective 1.3.1 Automatic Readability Assessment 1.3.2 Perceived Complexity Prediction 1.3.3 Gaze Metrics Prediction 1.4 Garden-path Sentences 2 Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.1 Desiderata for Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.2 Neural Language Models: Unsupervised Multitask Learners 2.2.1 Emergent Linguistic Structures in Neural Language Models 2.

References | Interpreting Neural Language Models for Linguistic Complexity Assessment Introduction 1 Linguistic Complexity 1.1 Categorizing Linguistic Complexity Measures 1.2 Intrinsic Perspective 1.2.1 Structural Linguistic Complexity 1.2.2 Language Modeling Surprisal 1.3 Extrinsic Perspective 1.3.1 Automatic Readability Assessment 1.3.2 Perceived Complexity Prediction 1.3.3 Gaze Metrics Prediction 1.4 Garden-path Sentences 2 Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.1 Desiderata for Models of Linguistic Complexity 2.2 Neural Language Models: Unsupervised Multitask Learners 2.2.1 Emergent Linguistic Structures in Neural Language Models 2.